Easy-Peasy Seared Steak with Sauteed Squash & Rice

Just because it tastes delicious, doesn’t mean it took hours to prepare. Look no further than this recipe for proof. Get some rice cooking, sear a piece steak for a minute or two on each side, and then as the meat rests, saute up some diced squash. If you feeling an extra fancy, cook the squash in the same pan the steak cooked in so it absorbs all those meaty juices (and bonus: one less pan to clean up).

Prep Time: 20 mins Total Time: 40 mins


  • steak
  • rice
  • squash
  • oil or butter


  • 1 part salt
  • 1 part black pepper

Equipment Needed:

  • Pan
  • Pot
  • Stovetop

Step 1: Cook rice according to package instructions
Step 2: Oil and season steak
Step 3: Heat oil or butter in a pan over medium-high heat
Step 4: Cook steak for 2-3 minutes per side
Step 5: Dice squash into small pieces
Step 6: Heat oil or butter in a pan over medium heat
Step 7: Saute squash for 7-10 minutes, until squash begins to brown
Step 8: Plate steak, rice, and squash together and serve!

How To Cut Videos

How to Dice Squash